Cedar Hayes

Project Director


Cedar Hayes found their passion for organizing through personal experiences in housing insecurity and reproductive health, launching them into local activism work at a young age. In college, Cedar received their BA in Gender and Women’s Studies and a Masters in Public Health, with a focus in Community Program Design and Sex, Sexuality, and Gender. Prior to political work, Cedar worked in spaces specializing in sexual health education, violence prevention, housing advocacy, and LGBTQ+ issues. Cedar began their work in professional organizing during the 2020 election cycle as an organizer with 360 Campaign Consulting and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin. Since then, Cedar has joined The Outreach Team as the Project Director for Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin.

Alongside their professional career, Cedar has been involved with a handful of organizing efforts in New England, including work on The Healthy Youth Act, The ROE Act, and the Doula Bill in RI. Cedar is also a full-spectrum birthworker, and a post-abortion textline counselor with Exhale Pro-Voice.

When not working, Cedar can be found crafting, creating salves, and crocheting hats for their cats. Special interested include: a deep love for trinkets, vintage suits, and dark chocolate. Sun: Sagittarius, Moon: Sagittarius, Rising: Capricorn.


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